Monday, November 3, 2014

I Write Programs For Fun... Mostly

I am a self-taught programmer, been doing it since I was 7 and now I am in my mid-20s so that's like 15+ years of experience... kind of, programming as a 7 year old is not the same as on-the-job experience. But then again there are lot's of things that you don't pick up from school or the job like good coding habits and how to approach new problems or learn new skills, the latter is probably a very good skill to have.

Anyway, this blog isn't really about what I do for my job, and to be quite frank, my work isn't terribly interesting. I code a lot on the side just for fun or to solve some problem I see over and over again.

So I figured instead of collecting digital dust on my hard drive, I might as well put them out there.

Some of the programs aren't too polished but it'll get there when I have some time and interest to spare. I tend to code in bursts and whenever I think of something new to add and get around to adding it.

I will set up a GitHub... eventually... probably this weekend and share the code. A lot of the code needs to be documented... since I haven't gotten around to it yet so that's another reason I'm kind of holding it back.

If you really want, you can go ahead and use ILSpy to decompile the code in the meantime.

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